Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Good news! I finally have something to talk about related to the book. I checked my email earlier and another woman from another agency is interested in the entire MS. As you can imagine, I freaked out like a giddy school girl and immediately responded to find out if she has formatting preferences, so now I'll have to restrain myself from checking my email compulsively for a response. And in less than a month, I'm hoping to hear back from the other woman with the whole MS. Didn't get a deadline from the woman with 75 pages, oh well.

In other news, my mom found this Philly-based organization called First Glance Films, and they had a short film contest going which would have been perfect for the screenplay I need to have done for class, but entry submission is closed. Still, for all you Philly film kids out there, they do festivals and other cool contests so go to the website. Its for anyone who wants to find out more. I only went on the site briefly, but it seems user-friendly.

I'm almost done Deb Caletti's latest novel and will have an opinion on that ASAP, so if you're looking for a book to read, check back for my thoughts.


  1. Three agents interested in your first book attempt is just nuts. Truly, it beats all odds! I may have a new client to publicize soon.

  2. wow!!! thats awesome!! congrats you young novelist you!!!

  3. YAY! This is sooo exciting!!! Congrats!!!!
